Active Isolated Stretching works with 3 basic principles
Some joints and or muscles that have a lack of function need increased oxygen and blood ?ow. When you contract or stretch a muscle you push the blood and oxygen out of that tissue. Increased ?ow happens when the muscle is in a relaxed state. The bene?t of physical activity is in the recovery process. Each stretch should be done 8-10 times.
To complete our introductory elbow and hand care series we are concluding with wrist movement called adduction and abduction. The importance of this movement is misunderstood or underestimated and it has a direct relationship with elbow and shoulder function. If this functional movement is restricted, it will a?ect the way you hold a golf club or tennis racket which will then a?ect negatively elbow and shoulder function. I cannot stress enough how our weakest links e?ect how our body feels and moves and the older we get the more important keeping the body in balance becomes.
Wrist adduction and abduction is preformed by moving the hand toward or away from the midline of the body with the elbow as straight as possible.