Active Isolated Stretching: Hands and Fingers

In following the theme with arm care we can't ignore the hands and fingers. There is very little we do without the closure of our hands from opening a door, picking up a bag to any eye hand coordination sport. When joints stop moving they can no longer function which leads to instability and muscle weakness.  

Active Isolated Stretching works with 3 basic principles

  • Contract the opposing muscle to send a signal to let go to the muscle you want to stretch
  • In order to increase the stretch apply light pressure at the end of range of motion and hold for 2 seconds
  • Allow the muscle to relax into a neutral position after each repetition 

Some joints and or muscles that have a lack of function need increased oxygen and blood flow. When you contract or stretch a muscle you push the blood and oxygen out of that tissue. Increased flow happens when the muscle is in a relaxed state. The benefit of physical activity is in the recovery process.  Each stretch should be done 8-10 times.

The Hand and Finger Stretches: 
With your elbow locked and wrist straight work each finger individually from the knuckle closest to your hand while moving into a closed hand position. (stretching finger extensors)

You can stretch all fingers at the same time for a basic warmup. (stretching finger flexors)