In following the theme with arm care we can't ignore the hands and fingers. There is very little we do without the closure of our hands from opening a door, picking up a bag to any eye hand coordination sport. When joints stop moving they can no longer function which leads to instability and muscle weakness.
Active Isolated Stretching works with 3 basic principles
Some joints and or muscles that have a lack of function need increased oxygen and blood flow. When you contract or stretch a muscle you push the blood and oxygen out of that tissue. Increased flow happens when the muscle is in a relaxed state. The benefit of physical activity is in the recovery process. Each stretch should be done 8-10 times.
The Hand and Finger Stretches:
With your elbow locked and wrist straight work each finger individually from the knuckle closest to your hand while moving into a closed hand position. (stretching finger extensors)
You can stretch all fingers at the same time for a basic warmup. (stretching finger flexors)